10 March




09 December

ESO Guide: The Areas and Dungeons of The Imperial City

Want to know the areas of the Elder Scrolls Online Imperial City? Here is a areas guide to know each Imperial District and dungeons. Check out the official The Imperial City Guide: Areas.

ESO Gold With our Areas guide, you'll learn where each Imperial District is located, where the connections to the Sewers are throughout the city, and where you can enter the two Imperial City dungeons. We can't tell you where enemy-alliance players are lurking, though—you're on your own there!

buy ESO Gold: The Areas and Dungeons of The Imperial City

1. The Memorial District
2. The Arena District
3. The Arboretum District
4. The Temple District
5. The Nobles District
6. The Elven Gardens

7. The Imperial City Prison

Located in the north-most area of the Memorial District, the Imperial City Prison is one of the Imperial City's two small-group dungeons. You can enter the prison via the Memorial District, or by queueing for the dungeon in the Group Finder while anywhere in Tamriel. Team up with three friends and choose to take on either Normal mode or Veteran mode—the latter yields Veteran Rank 16 rewards!